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 (1)   I cannot listen to www.radiodil.com on their Listen Live Button. What should I do?

Answer: Most often this due to the fact that your "Active-X" filtering (on Internet Explorer) may be ON. Please turn it OFF by doing the following:

Click on Tools ("Gear" icon on top right corner of the Internet Explorer window--->Safety--->Active-X Filtering (remove checkmark if it is ON) and then Refresh the page or close Internet Explorer and launch it again and go to www.radiodil.com

If the above does not resolve the problem, then this is more likely if you purchased your computer a few years back. Most probably you are missing a CODEC (“Compression / Decompression”) for *.asp  audio files.

You will need to do the following:

 (i)                 First find out what media player you use for listening to *.asp  music audios (Default Program for *.asp). If you do not see a default follow the steps (ii) and below.  Some popular media players are “Windows Media Player” or “Real Player” etc.

(ii)               Please do a Google a search for “Codec for *.asp for Real Player CNET” assuming you use Real Player

(iii)             From one of the websites that comes up, download / install CODEC for *.asp for the Real Player. CNET is one recommended website that may come up.

(iv)             Go to Control Panel ==> Default Programs ==>Set Associations and associate your Real Player with *.asp type file

(v)               After you do this visit www.radiodil.com and press Listen Live button and you can listen to Radio Dil.

(2)   I want to listen to Radio Dil on my smart-phone. What should I do? 

Answer:: Radio Dil is available for listening on all types of “Smart Phones” thru free apps. 

iPhone: Download a free app called "Radio Dil" from the Apple store

Android Phone: Download a free app called Radio Dil

(3)   I would like to listen to Radio Dil on my land line or a voice only cell phone. What should I do?

Answer: You can listen to Radio Dil on a land line or cell phone by dialing 408-418-5000 (Saturdays 10:00 am to 11:00 am New York Time.)
